One of the really tough things about being in such an innovative and competitive industry as programming is that no matter how fast you learn new aspects of the trade, you’re always going to be struggling to catch up. It doesn’t really even matter what field of programming you happen to be in, there are so many massive changes taking place every day. Seeing as it’s such a vibrant area, there are also completely new subsets opening up every couple of years or so. When that happens, you’re faced with a challenge. Do you keep doing what you’re good at or do you take a chance and seize the opportunity?
I chose to seize the opportunity. All those years ago when I did my amazing game design courses that got me started in this industry, flip phones were an exciting reality. Your average teenager has never even seen a flip phone! The point is, back then, we could never have imagined all the amazing technological and software innovations that were going to take place over the next ten years. The creation of the smartphone has revolutionised programming in that’s opened up a whole new sphere: app design.
Over the last few years in particular, that whole field has completely taken off in ways people never expected. Multi-million dollar enterprises now exist where before, if you’d told someone to ‘swipe right’, they would have looked at you in confusion. To cater for this growing market, app design courses in Melbourne are becoming a pretty big deal and I’m wondering whether it’s time to do a little personal development and take it up. Aside from being pretty curious about how those little icons work their magic, I have a couple of pretty great idea and game design is beginning to grate on me. If feels like it might be time for something new.