It is I, Georgina Glass, and…wow, male hair can be really stubborn. I used to look at all the guys in my life and think about how easy they have it, but now that I’ve been helping out my friend with a hair project, my views are starting to change. For the better, I hope.
So most of my job is just sitting there while Charleine does my hair; it’s a uni thing and she needed a model. Not that I mind, because I end up with fabulous hair for free, but she and her colleagues talk about their jobs, and she was saying this morning how she had to deal with a guy who had REALLY thick hair and it took so long.
And the other girl said she was doing a bit of intern work down at a hair salon located in the Melbourne CBD and she had the same. A guy came in with short-but-curly hair and it was just a nightmare to tame, even using the best products they had on-hand. And you know, I just hadn’t thought about it like that. My amazing BF has amazing hair, but I’ve always just looked at it and thought…meh. It’s short, so it has to be easy. Then Charleine tells me that sometimes it’s easier for hairdressers to work on long hair, since it has the weight and just falls down instead of being wiry and stubborn. So if I was a hairdresser and I saw a woman walk through the door with long, luscious locks that fell to her waist, and a guy with just average-length wavy hair…no, actually that does make sense. Different hairstyles, different challenges. Especially if the guy hasn’t usd proper product or been washing his hair properly, in which case even the most talented hairdresser has a fight on their hands.
This HAS been eye-opening. Now, whenever I walk around trying to find the best hairdresser in South Melbourne, I’ll think of their many and varied challenges. And maybe guys as well, for those with the truly stubborn follicles.